Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Are Chuck and John Yob Protecting Dave Agema?

For more information, contact: Joe Sylvester, <redacted>


WASHINGTON (January 22) --- Michigan Republicans deserve to know the
extent of paid political consultants John and Chuck Yob in protecting
bigoted national GOP leader Dave Agema from removal or forced
resignation from the Republican National Committee.

At the last minute, Agema announced he wouldn't attend the RNC meeting
and was instead sending Chuck Yob, who sat on the RNC until he was ousted by Michigan Republican, as a proxy.

Agema was widely expected to be kicked off the RNC -- or at least
publicly shamed at the meeting -- by state or national GOP officials
if he didn't resign for using his position as a national party leader
to make slurs against gays, lesbians and Muslim-Americans.

The Strategic National political consulting firm of father Chuck Yob
and son John Yob in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is the mailing address of
Agema’s political action committee (Source: Agema's defense e-mail has
same Yob-related mailing address as Terri Lynn Land's consultant,
The Yobs also orchestrated Agema’s election to the RNC in 2012.
(Source: Saul Anuzis: ‘Cancer’ threatens Michigan Republicans, refuels
feud with John Yob,

"It looks like Dave Agema's political bosses have stepped in at the
last-minute to keep their pawn, who owes his very seat on the
Republican National Committee to their political machine," said
Michigan Log Cabin Republicans chairman Joe Sylvester. "This would
explain why John and Chuck Yob'S other clients -- Gov. Rick Snyder,
Lt. Gov. Brian Calley and Attorney General Bill Schuette -- have
bizarrely refused to condemn Dave Agema by name or call for his
resignation or removal."


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