Thursday, January 23, 2014

Gary Glenn Like Agema: "Homosexuality is More Dangerous than Smoking"; Criminalize Homosexuality

You can begin watching the scientist, Gary Glenn words at 1:48

"...if you smoke tobacco you run the risk of losing 7 years off of your life..."

Insert explanation that government discourages bad behavior.

"..for college age men who engage in homosexual behavior, they risk losing 8 to 20 years of their life. That's up to three times more years of life put at risk by engaging in homosexual behavior as smoking tobacco..."

Assessment based on government anti smoking programs is that he believes that it should be applied to gays. That the government should actively wage PR campaigns against gays like they do with smoking.

It doesn't stop there. Glenn believes that states should be able to criminalize homosexuality:

Gary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan, has added his voice to a growing course of American leaders calling for the re-criminalization of homosexuality in the U.S.
In an e-mail to Michigan Messenger, here’s how Glenn responded when asked if he supported the criminalization move proposed by the Family Research Council’s Peter Sprigg’s comments last week on Hardball:
“The short answer to your question is yes, we believe that states should be free to regulate and prohibit behavior that’s a violation of community standards and a proven threat to public health and safety — including, as most of the United States did throughout its history, homosexual behavior.”
- See more at:
This begs the question...if the state should discourage/criminalize gays on the grounds that being gay is unsafe... should it also encourage lesbianism which is obviously the safest of the options? Whatever happened to liberty and the rule of law that Republicans champion?

How could any sane person vote for this man knowing this?

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