Dave Agema has responded to calls for his resignation by posting a Youtube.com video where he wraps himself in the flag to justify his lies and obscene comments.
His main point is that people using their freedom of speech to respond to his outright bigotry some how infringes on his constitutional rights. This would be true if the government was seeking to fine or imprison him. This is not the case.
He was also elected to the Republican National Committee, which has a unique set of duties of which he cannot effectively perform now that he has totally marginalized himself. If he wants to travel around the state giving his commentary on science (of which he is not qualified) or theology which is often incendiary, he should do so as a citizen Agema, not as a Representative of a group which finds many of his comments embarrassing and repugnant.
Warning: The video is creepy and reminds some of a low budget National Socialist video created in the basement of the local skinhead.
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