Thursday, January 23, 2014

GOP’s tolerance for intolerance has grown dramatically

Thursday, January 23, 2014
GOP’s tolerance for intolerance has grown dramatically

Since veteran politico Chuck Yob has been thrown into the mix as proxy for AWOL Dave Agema at the Republican National Committee winter meeting in Washington, it’s worth taking a long look back at the reaction among the GOP leadership when Yob stuck his foot in his mouth in 2002.

At the time, Yob was the Michigan national committeeman, and when he made an insensitive remark about women, calls for his resignation from the RNC came immediately from top party people.
In contrast, Agema, who is a successor to Yob, has made far more incendiary and ignorant remarks over the past several months and he is hearing calls for his ouster from top Republicans for the first time this week. 
In fact, as recently as earlier this month much of the party leadership didn’t dare acknowledge the ongoing controversy over Agema’s gay bashing, his references to hate-filled writings by a white supremacist, and his anti-Muslim rhetoric.
What's more, in recent days dozens of right-wing Republicans have come forward publicly on Facebook to urge Agema to stand his ground and refuse to resign.

Here’s a portion of an AP story about the Chuck Yob controversy of 12 years ago:

GOP's Yob Won't Resign Over Comments 
Tue Mar 26, 2002, 6:13 PM ET 
By AMY FRANKLIN, Associated Press Writer 
 LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Republican national committeeman Chuck Yob said he will not resign after saying women running for statewide elective office are best suited for secretary of state because "they like that kind of work." 
Two Republican candidates for Michigan governor, Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus and state Sen. John Schwarz of Battle Creek, called for Yob to step down.

"Unfortunately, because of his role as national committeeman, his comments will serve only to distract from what is an otherwise compelling record by the GOP on behalf of women," Posthumus said Monday in a statement.
"It is best for the party that we make this change and move on," Schwarz said.
On Tuesday, GOP Gov. John Engler said he supports the call for Yob's resignation.
Yob, 65, rejected their suggestions.
 "Under no circumstances will I resign my position as national committeeman. I was elected by our party's grass roots, not its elected officials," he said Monday.

It’s also worth noting that Yob’s son, John, a well-known political consultant, may have ties to Agema. And his work on behalf of Gov. Rick Snyder and Attorney General Bill Schuette is blamed by critics for their tepid response (perhaps even tacit support, in Schuette’s case) to Agema’s bigoted remarks.

Joe Sylvester, chairman of the Michigan Log Cabin Republicans, went online and was very direct in his assertions:

“The Strategic National political consulting firm of father Chuck Yob and son John Yob in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is the mailing address of Agema’s political action committee. (Source: Agema's defense email has same Yob-related mailing address as Terri Lynn Land's consultant, John Yob).
“The Yobs also orchestrated Agema’s election to the RNC in 2012. (Source: Saul Anuzis: ‘Cancer’ threatens Michigan Republicans, refuels feud with JohnYob)

"It looks like Dave Agema's political bosses have stepped in at the last-minute to keep their pawn, who owes his very seat on the Republican National Committee to their political machine. … This would explain why John and Chuck Yob's other clients -- Gov. Rick Snyder,Lt. Gov. Brian Calley and Attorney General Bill Schuette -- have bizarrely refused to condemn Dave Agema by name or call for his resignation or removal." READ MORE

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