Saturday, January 25, 2014

Agema Caught in a Lie Again

Fact check: Did Dave Agema lie?
Disgraced Republican National Committee member Dave Agema, who national and Michigan GOP leaders want to resign, has cited two different reasons for why he abdicated his duties by not attending this week’s RNC meeting in Washington.

On Wednesday, Agema said:

"My liberal critics within the Republican Party have chosen to elevate this discussion to the RNC Meeting and make it a drawn out fight between liberals and conservatives within the party. For this reason, I have decided it is best for the party that I not attend the meeting this week and instead have sent a proxy who will vote how I want on the Rules." (Jonathan Oosting, "Dave Agema, citing 'liberal critics within the Republican Party,' skips RNC meeting,", 1/22/14)

This is contradicted by what he said last evening:

Agema said he wanted to be at the conference that kicked off Wednesday but canceled his reservation at the request of Priebus, who said his presence could turn the event into "a circus" at time when the party had work to conduct. "I considered it and thought, 'Well, OK, if Reince wants me to do that, I'll do that to make his life easier,'" Agema said. (Marissa Schultz, "Agema admits errors, won’t resign,"The Detroit News1/25/14)

Is Agema lying about not attending the RNC meeting or is Reince Preibus one of the liberals in the party he was referring to?

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